Letters of Commendation

Over the past 20 years, We have had the honor of working with some great partners in the publishing, corporate and government sections.  Here is a few of a proud partnerships..

G8 Hokkaido Tokako Summit

Mr. Ryosuke Kuwana

Letter from the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan during the run of one of our G8 Summit Magazine publications

The Climate Group

Nicholas Mandalas

Letter from The Climate Group agreeing to write an editorial piece for one of our previous  year’s publication for the G8 Summit.


Clifford J Ferguson

Letter of Recommendation from Dr. Clifford Ferguson from Rainmakers

Foreign Press Centers

Paul Denig

The USA has Foreign Press Centers in Washington, D.C. and New York. The Foreign Press Centers support U.S. policies by helping foreign media cover the U.S. Their goal is to promote the depth, accuracy, and balance of foreign reporting from the U.S., by providing direct access to authoritative American information sources.

Office of the Prime Minister

Françoise Ducros

A letter of recommendation and reference about the quality of the G8 Summit Magazine from the the Director of Communication from the office of the Prime Minister of Canada for the 2002 G8 Summit hosted there.

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