Over the past 20 years, Prestige Media Publications has been privileged to publish a wide range of publications ranging from the G8/G7 Summits to the Olympics and other sport events. We are looking forward to adding the Intermountain Outdoor Magazine to our long history of publications.









Featured Publication

G8 Summit

World’s largest and most prominent economic summit of the eight most powerful, industrial nations and their heads of state. Held annually on a rotation basis. Year(s) Published: 1997 through 2014 Distribution

Featured Publication

Olympics 2002 & 2010

Publication distributed during the 2002 Winter Games Year(s) Published: 1yr Distribution: 250,000

Publication distributed during the 2010 Winter Games Year(s) Published: 1yr Distribution: 250,000

Featured Publication

Goodwill Games

Second largest athletic and sporting event to the Olympics, undertaken the publication on behalf of Time-Warner Year(s) Published: 10yrs Distribution: 250,000


The official publication as commissioned by England Lawn Tennis Association and the world’s most prestigious tennis tournament. Year(s) Published: 14yrs Distribution: 150,000

Miss Universe - 98'-05'

Miss Universe 1998/99: World’s most prominent beauty pageant, owned by CBS and Donald Trump. Year(s) Published: 1998 and 1999 Distribution: 50,000

USA Cycling: 75th Anniversary

Official publication for the United States Cycling Association Year(s) Published: 1yr Distribution: 200,000


Largest, national travel information publication, outlining what’s going on in respective cities. Distribution in hotel bedrooms Year(s) Published: 5yrs Distribution:  team network consisting of 30 people


World’s largest, and most prominent department store: official store catalogue Year(s) Published: 1yr Distribution: 200,000

Alvin Ailey

World-famous, American dance theatre, 40th Anniversary souvenir program. Year(s) Published: 4yrs Distribution: 50,000

The Princes' Trust

Charitable trust set up by the late HRH Princess Diana and Prince Charles to benefit underprivileged children. Year(s) Published: 5yrs Distribution: 100,000

Queen Elizabeth II

The official guide commissioned by the Buckingham Palace for the Queen’s 40th Anniversary ascension to the throne. Year(s) Published: 1yr Distribution: 100,000

Gold Cup Soccer - CONCAF

Official souvenir program for the largest soccer tournament of the Americas, played every two years. Year(s) Published: 2yrs Distribution: 100,000

Feminine Fortunes

Annual publication featuring fifty women of outstanding accomplishment Year(s) Published: 5yrs Distribution: 75,000


Food and Wine publication. Year(s) Published: 5yrs Distribution: 120,000

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